Proven Ways To Make Money Online With Your Multilingual Skills

I have met people who can speak more than 2 major languages but don’t know how to make money with their multilingual skills. I mean languages that are used in many countries as an official language. Many of the bi-lingual or “tri-lingual” or even “quad-lingual” (multilingual) people I met when I newly moved to Canada didn’t even have an idea that they can make money online with their skills. (Are the “tri and quad” mentions even correct?). I’m not sure but let’s continue (English is spoken in many ways, right?). I envied them because I know how much they could earn by rendering translation or transcription services online. Funny enough, they were looking for menial jobs.

If you haven’t been following my weekly series on how to make money online by creating multiple online side hustles, catch up by reading these articles I wrote in the previous weeks.

In this post, you are going to learn how to make money online with your multilingual skills. You may have a doubt and argue that Google Translate has taken over translation jobs. Yes and No. Some people use Google translate for translation of personal documents while businesses still want humans to translate their documents or proofread their translated documents. I wouldn’t trust Google translate to give me a grammatically correct translation if I want to translate an important document from English to Arabic. So, your services are needed which you can do entirely online from the comfort of your laptop and from anywhere in the world.

Sample Jobs You Can Do With Multilingual Skills

If Portuguese/French/Spanish/Arabic/Mandarin is your first language and English your second language, you can actually make good money by translating videos, audios and documents for people and businesses. I once did a job that required me to listen to recorded audio of a person responding to an interview in a local Ghanaian language (FANTI), understand what was being said and then translate the entire conversation to English. It was a bit difficult because I didn’t know the FANTI language but I lived in Ghana, so I hired my friend to verbally translate the conversation to English while I typed what she said. That’s how you can bring a twist to freelancing work sometimes. I also got another client who was looking for someone to watch a Nigerian movie where the majority of the conversations in the movie were mostly in Igbo language. I translated all parts of the movie where Igbo was spoken to English and then transcribed that with time stamps on the movie.

Below is a screenshot of the transcription jobs I started with on Upwork (formerly Elance and oDesk).

Transcription work reviews on Upwork
Transcription work reviews on Upwork

Let’s get down to business. To clear up some confusion here, transcription and translation are two different services.
In transcription, you represent spoken words (in audio files or videos) to a written or printed format while translation means that you convert a written or printed document from one language to another without changing the original meaning.

Where To Find Freelance Transcription Jobs

Click on any of the job sites I listed in this article, it will direct you to where to apply for these jobs.

1) TranscribeMe

2) Rev

3) TransPerfect

4) NetTranscripts

5) Allegis Transcription

6) Upwork

7) Fiverr

8) People Per Hour

9) GoTranscript

Most transcription jobs pay per minute of audio or video transcribed. Transcription can be in many fields like legal, medical, entertainment, academics, etc. If you haven’t done any transcription work before, practice for free here at NCH. Or learn from some online courses below:

Transcription skills course

Transcription Skills: Learn Beginning To Advanced Skills

If you want to go pro in your transcription business, you may need the Express Scribe Pro Transcription Kit with USB Foot Pedal & USB Transcription Headset

Where To Find Freelance Translation Jobs

1) Gengo

 This site is specifically for translation jobs and pays per number of words and according to the language pair you are translating.

2) Translators Base

This is a good hub for many translation jobs in various languages.

3) Wow Jobs

4) Upwork Translation Work

5) Freelancer Translation Jobs

6) Zing Word

Now you have been armed with a list of 15 websites where you can find translation jobs for any language in the world, I believe you can start making money online with your language speaking skills.

Are there others ways you make an income or create side hustles with the languages you can speak? Do you have any questions about this article? Tell us in the comment section below.

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Joyce Chidiadi

Joyce Chidiadi is the administrator of this website. She writes and manages the content of this page. Thank you for reading. We will be pleased to have you here always.

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